Sunday, August 26, 2012

CC Cream - The New and Improved BB Cream and Why you'll want it!

Review: What Are CC Creams? Are Color Control Creams The Next Best Thing In Skincare?
Photo courtesy of Refinery 29

It's the ABC's of makeup really, and just when you thought you were in the know about BB Creams, the new improved CC Creams come along. 

The CC (Color Control) Creams promise to provide better coverage with more skin nourishing ingredients than their older BB predecessors. I have been a fan of the BB creams because of the high SPF and tinted skincare benefits, but my complaint is that they are a little too heavy to wear especially on hot humid days. Well, someone else must have thought so too because the new CC Creams include the high UVA/UVB SPF protection with a lighter and less oily formulation that expertly covers uneven skin tone. Plus most include Vitamin C and a skin brightening primer.

Chanel, whose iconic double C's seem especially made for this Cream, launched their own CC Cream in Asia. They have not yet announced the US release of this product but you can be sure beauty bloggers are already looking for an Asian connection to get their hands on it. Interestingly enough, it looks like drugstore brand and long trusted skincare line Olay, first up to bat in the U.S. with their launch of Total Effects CC Tone Correcting UV Moisturizer in October - available in 3 shades for less than $22. {BUY HERE}


But if you want to try one of the original CC Cream's, like I did, you can find Rachel K's best selling and highly hyped balm, founded by Miss Singapore Rachel Kum for sale on the ever popular shopping site Ebay. This in demand product is sold in 2 colors - one for yellow undertones (the pink bottle "neutral" color) and one for pink undertones (the black bottle "original" color). Of course this begs the next question ... How do I know what undertone I am?

Undertone is the natural skin coloring that we were born with, notwithstanding the surface color of your skin from weather or skin conditions like acne or rosacea. It's possible to change the color appearance of your skin with makeup or skin products but the idea of finding your undertone is based on the skin you were born with. I think the easiest, fastest way to check is by holding your thumb firmly against your inner forearm for 10 seconds. When you release your thumb, the blood should rush back into the covered area and reveal your true undertone - yellow or pink.

If you have a warm or yellow undertone your skin usually tans and does not burn. And if you look at the underside of your arm, your veins may have a slight greenish tint if you can see them at all.

If your skin has a cool or pink undertone you probably burn first before you achieve a tan and if you look at your veins on the underside of your arm, they will appear blue.

I think whichever  BB or CC Cream you pick will quickly work it's way into your everyday staple because using it corrects uneven face color instantly - tricking people into thinking you have naturally flawless skin without having to worry about the precision of foundation, powder, concealer, primer, brighteners ... All in one! Plus it's good for your skin because of the vitamins, anti aging ingredients and SPF . Remember the big difference between the two is that the CC Creams have a lighter texture.

A little secret about applying the creams ... for areas around the nose or other pigmented areas that need a little more concealing, pat instead of rub to create a layer to cover the redness and even out skin color.

And I couldn't end this post without wondering if a DD Miracle Cream to enhance "you know what"  is on the horizon? Let's hope so!

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real advice from real models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as paperback from

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Pose for a Great Photo from Ford Model, Shelley GoodStein

Click {Here} to view the video

Let's face it, we'd all love to have a killer profile photo to use for anything from professional networking to online dating or maybe even a beauty contest! And we all want to know the tricks to taking the best photo - so here are a few secrets to help you get that picture-perfect shot!

Everyone does have a better side. To find it, look through old pictures and pick your favorites to decide which one it is for you! For portraits, you'll want your head facing straight on, but it's important to know which side is your best so you can play to it ever so slightly.

Youthfulness correlates to a fuller face but as we age our faces thin. If you play too much to "a side" by angling your head, the light will highlight the hollows of your cheekbones or a jutting chin. So for a rounder, fuller face go straight on!

Little changes in your posing can make a huge difference in your photos. If you are standing or even sitting for a beauty shot, instead of keeping ALL of you square to the lens, turn your hips sideways and then twist your shoulders the opposite way toward the camera with your face in a 10 and 2 o'clock position. Besides a beautiful face, this will give you a smaller waistline and a longer neck.

If you hold your arm tightly against your body, your arm will flatten out and look larger than you'd like, but if you pull it back or place your hand on your hip, your arm will look thinner.

Be sure that you are showcasing your very best features, but avoid a super close-up. Have at least a part of your body showing, such as your arms or shoulders .... or people will wonder what you're trying to hide. If you do happen to have some body issues, a photo taken from above will add some distortion and be more flattering to everything below your chin!

Don't overlook the importance of lighting in your photos! When indoors, it's best to use natural lighting like a setting near a large window. Overhead lighting can be harsh and create shadows underneath your eyes so stay away from canned lights in the ceiling. No one looks good when the sun is directly overhead like at 12 o'clock noon, so for outdoor shots get under some even shade like a canopy of trees or a porch. For your best lighting outdoors, try the "magic" hour after the sun rises and again before the sun sets.

By following these tips you'll be ready to strike the right pose for your next photo!

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real advice from real models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as paperback from

Fall Fashion 2012 Trends & Cheat Sheet!

The PEPLUM is probably the biggest trend of the YEAR! It's a look that appeared last Spring and it will not be disappearing anytime soon! 
The peplum is more flattering than you might think because it cinches in your waist and accentuates a woman's curves, even if you don't have any! Plus it will hide any signs of a soft belly - BONUS!

The House of Dior first introduced us to this trend in 1947 when it was part of the new look spotlighting women's waistlines. Obviously it has evolved since then, but the hips still have it! You'll see peplums showing up on leather coats, jackets, tops and dresses.

When you wear a peplum you want to think "balance." Because you are adding alot of volume on top this is best paired with something sleek on the lower portion of your body like skinny jeans or a pencil skirt.

Celebs like Katy Perry and Jennifer Hudson are often spotted wearing this trend to show off their curves and even the Hunger Games were "hip" to this trend!

The book on everyone's mind might be 50 Shades of Gray, but it's hard to resist a lady in any shade of RED! 

The breakout colors this season are rich berry stains with wine names like Bordeaux, Merlot, Chianti with the darkest red of all being Oxblood Red.

Designers are disagreeing with the old rule, "Don't wear white after Labor Day" by showcasing head to toe Winter White on the Fall runways. Monochromatic dressing is a great way to look taller and thinner - in any color not just black!

Leather is going to be a MEGA trend for Fall 2012! It plays into the Goth edgy vibe and is perfectly paired with the brights you probably have hanging in your closet from last season and it's not just for jackets, boots and bags anymore. You'll see these skins (faux included) on all sorts of details to full on dresses and outfits in an array of colors, cuts and styles. 

Denim has been in fashion since the day it was invented which is why we all own more than a few pair of jeans! Skinny and flares have been the rage for awhile, but this season we will see our ankles once again. 

Cropped jeans are the newest and greatest trend for Fall. Keep it slim, flared just a bit, cut just above the ankle and pair it with a heel to lengthen your leg.

Colored denim has been on trend for a few seasons but for Fall you'll want darker, earthy tones. If I were to pick one it would be a burgundy, in the red-grape spectrum. It's perfectly paired with navy, chocolate and green! Patterned, floral, brocade and animal prints will be showing up on colored denim for Fall as well.

Hilary Clinton will be happy to hear that menswear is trending strong this year since she lives in the pantsuit and for good reason - it's practical, professional and again, dressing in all one color makes us look taller and thinner. 

This year the collections featured loud, colorful geometric prints. Feeling a little dizzy? Well, this year is definitely all about mixing prints, patterns and stripes so start practicing!

You can always count on an economic downturn to cause a little bit of a rebellion from fashion designers craving a return to luxury and opulence. 

Asian influences, baroque, brocades and prints taken from wallpaper shots reined the runway with embellishments like lace, embroideries, feathers, sequins and gilt. Just goes to show not everyone is ready to give in to minimalism!

The Military influence always seems to sneak in come fall, but unlike 2 years ago when it was all about camouflage, the forces are now armed in a dark khaki, metallic buttons and double breasted style, with of course leather accents.

Awww, YES the future looks bright!
Metallics are resurrected and will become stronger as the holidays approach. I'm on board!

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real advice from real models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as paperback from

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gothic Meets Rocker Chic Jewelry Vibe

TREND ALERT: Gothic Iconic Jewels. 
The evil eye and other symbols.


Ileana Makri

Kendra Scott
Kristen Farrell

Noir Dinosaur Bones

Ilena Makri

Pin-up Girl Shelley Goodstein

August Phoenix Magazine Shoot

Thrilled to have been booked to shoot for Phoenix Magazine's Water Issue at the Biltmore Hotel in Scottsdale with the talented Diana of Diana Elizabeth Photography. Styling, makeup and hair by Shauna Thibault. You can find the August Issue on Newstands now.

Uber-cool necklace by House of Harlow completely on trend and hot for Fall available {HERE} perfectly paired with a 1940's pinup inspired suit!

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real advice from real models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available for just $2.99 on Kindle, Also available on Nook,  iTunes and paperback from