Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Own the Celebrity Red Carpet Pose - Best Photo Ops

The SuperBowl of red carpets has to be the Academy Awards, and celebrities walking it tonight have never been under more pressure to look their best, with the pose that can make or break their careers. Stylists often work with their clients days ahead of time perfecting the version that showcases the designer gown they borrow, jewels or best feature. Here are a few pointers we can all take home from the A listers as we take a look at their go-to stances.

Simple works for Gwenyth. (Not even a clutch for a prop!) She looks effortlessly beautiful in her no fuss, natural, relaxed self ... but I am warning you that not many can pull off this non-posed, pose! Admittedly, arms at your side, slightly bent is probably best for a column styled gown, just remember to push your head forward from the neck to eliminate a double chin, and stand up straight with shoulders back and then down.

Halle Berry is still a pageant girl at heart (1st RunnerUp to Miss USA 1986) and nothing shows it more than her signature hands on the hip pose. The over exaggerated space between the arms and the body  makes the waist look smaller and the arms skinnier. Oh, and and it doesn't hurt if you can flex your biceps for the shot.

Taking the skinny arm on the hip trick one step further with a highly arched back, is Paris Hilton's go-to look. To do this yourself plant your hips at a two o'clock position, then twist your waist and shoulders to the opposite side (10 o'clock), lean back and pop your hand on the hip you are leaning in to.

Crossing your legs can make your hips look narrower and your legs look longer, but this pose only works if your legs are long and lean to begin with and you aren't grimacing like you have to pee. Taylor is proof positive that this pose can give you supermodel "legs for days" stature.

Rhianna might "Shine Bright Like a Diamond", but this is definitely her "money" shot. She does this over-the-shoulder, come hither stare, so beautifully (red, blonde or brunette!) by turning back, raising one shoulder and lowering her chin spot on to the camera.

J. Lo caught a lot of grief for this one legg-ed pose last month, accused of stealing the "Jolie leg" but I think that the Oscar belongs to Jennifer here ... Though many have tried and come close, she has always owned this signature pose. For this one, angle yourself ever so slightly putting all of your weight on your back leg with the toe pointed straight ahead to the camera, then jutt the other leg forward keeping the toe in the same line as your leg.

You might also like my other posts:

Video: My "Fashion Police" segment for the 2013 Oscar red carpet

Finally the instruction manual you've been waiting for! To learn all the secrets to posing in front of the camera, 191 pages of tricks and tips, check out my new book Face This: Real advice from Real Models! Available on Amazon, Kindle, Nook and iTunes. ($7.99)


  1. A well-written blog about ways to own the celebrity red carpet pose. Thanks for sharing these helpful pointers and the images of celebrities in their elegant dresses and eye-catching pose.

  2. There is this power that comes with being famous. Celebrities must make sure that they are contributing good things to society rather than being famous just to be famous.


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