Sexual harassment and eating disorders will no longer be considered an acceptable part of the fashion and entertainment industry in California. The Model Alliance worked with State Assembly Marc Levine to develop a new law requiring agencies to provide educational materials and resources to models and talent to teach them about sexual harassment and retaliation, and information on nutrition and healthy eating habits to avoid eating disorders. Parents of underage models will be required to receive training as well. Giving models and talent the tools they need to empower them in their careers, the Model Alliance advocates for all models working in the USA.
In 2018, the Model Alliance successfully championed the Talent Protections Act, which now requires talent agencies in California to provide educational materials on sexual harassment and eating disorders to their talent. Further, underage artists and their parents or legal guardians are required to complete training in sexual harassment prevention, retaliation, and reporting.
How the Talent Protections Act Became Law
Beginning in 2016, the Model Alliance worked closely with Assembly Member Marc Levine to develop the Talent Protections Act. This legislation was informed by models’ testimony on sexual harassment and unhealthy dieting norms in the fashion industry, a survey conducted by the Model Alliance regarding models’ experiences of sexual harassment on the job, as well as data collected by the Model Alliance alongside researchers from Harvard University and Northeastern University in the largest research study to date on the prevalence of eating disorders in the modeling industry, published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. The Model Alliance collaborated with Assembly Member Levine to ensure models’ lived experiences were taken seriously in the creation of the Talent Protections Act and to call for its support.
On September 30, 2018, Governor Jerry Brown signed the Talent Protections Act into law. The Act took effect in January 2019.
Protections Under the New Law
The Talent Protections Act requires talent agencies to provide educational materials on sexual harassment prevention to their artists. Additionally, agencies must provide educational materials regarding eating disorders and nutrition to adult models. The Act also requires training in sexual harassment prevention, retaliation, and reporting resources for underage artists and their parent or legal guardian. The training must be administered by a third-party vendor approved by the California Labor Commissioner prior to obtaining an entertainment work permit in California.
Learn more about the Talent Protections Act (AB2338): Model Alliance
WWD Report: WWD
XOXO Shelley
#talentprotectionsact #sexualharassmentinmodelingindustry #eatingdisordersinmodelingindustry #modelalliance #businessofmodeling #ShelleyGoodstein