Friday, October 3, 2014

Looking Younger after 40 - Get rid of Middle Age Belly Fat

Muffin top. Belly fat. Spare tire. Mid life bulge. 
These are the words that strike fear for women after forty. It is a fact that metabolism slow downs as we age, but decreasing estrogen levels are not the only reason it happens. Decreased physical activity, increases in insulin resistance and lack of sleep will all contribute to weight gain. However it's the loss of estrogen that can affect where those pounds accumulate. So fat around the middle is avoidable if you can minimize weight gain and improve your metabolism. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1. Exercise, duh. 
Make your exercise aerobic - and push yourself. The science behind this is that exercise at a sufficient level "anaerobic"will rev up you metabolism to burn calories for hours after your workout.

2. Drink Green Tea and Coffee.
Caffeine is a stimulant and it can raise your heart rate signaling your body to burn calories faster. Green tea contains "catechins" that can help burn belly fat and coffee jump starts lipolysis which is the break down of fat.

3. Spice it up.
Cayenne and chili peppers contain capsaicin which according to a 2009 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition increases metabolism and helps the body burn fat more efficiently.
Also read about the benefit of using Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Belly Fat {Here}.

4. Power up with Protein.
It takes more calories to digest protein than it does for the body to metabolize fat and carbs. Think about replacing your carb intake with lean protein like fish and chicken.

5. Say no to Crash Dieting.
Eating less than 1200 calories a day may help shed pounds, but it can backfire if you lose muscle which will slow down your metabolism - making your body gain weight faster than it did before the diet. 

6. Increase your Sleep.
Hot flashes, night sweats, and the responsibility of caring for children and aging parents makes it harder to get to sleep and to stay asleep, but studies have shown that not getting enough sleep at night is associated with being overweight.  Sleep deprivation increases levels of ghrelin that can increase food cravings. According to a 2014 Canadian study published in Obesity, getting just one more hour of sleep per night reduces belly fat accumulation.  Check out the other benefits and ways to increase beauty with sleep {HERE}.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fifty, Flirty and Fabulous - Shelley GoodStein

I wasn’t going to celebrate 50 - this is considered OLD in the modeling industry, but then again I keep getting booked, jobs keep getting better, and I keep walking in runway shows with girls half my age. Plus the older you get the more people think you know and the more valuable you appear to be! Ok ... but I still wasn't sold on celebrating this occasion and then, last month I was seated next to one of my beautiful friends and we began talking. She asked me about my mother's age when she passed away. I told her "60" and remembered how painful the year preceding her death in her fight against leukemia was. It occurred to me that this could be my last "zero" birthday that I felt healthy, happy and beautiful … so I decided to kick up my heels and have the party of a half century! 

I do NOT believe in the “rules” for women over “ahem” a certain age. For example I still wear short skirts, sky high heels, and sequins – just not all at the same time! However for this party I wore all three!!! (But, I have learned to say yes to solids and no to frou-frou.)

What else I have learned?

  • I know that the truth always reveals itself. 
  • I have painfully discovered over the years that it’s not important to have the last word –victories are sweetest when you can avoid the battle. You can trust that the Universe will solve the situation. I have found given enough rope, well, let’s just say that the best strategy to defeat an enemy is to deny engagement to the person behind the fight. And you sleep better!
  • I believe good deeds will be rewarded with crowns in heaven, and as a  past beauty queen I can tell you I always feel prettier with a tiara.
  • None of us like the idea of getting older and it is important to realize that it is impossible to look 30 when you’re 80, but that true beauty does last; It lives inside us and is a halo that everyone sees shining brightly.

What are my plans for the future?

Supermom …  supermodel … Check in with me in 5 years as I am working on super-mogul! Visit me at A Model's Secrets this month as I will be posting the best of ways to fake, beg, borrow and steal the fountain of youth and not looking your age!

A quote from my adorable husband's speech from the party:
"She is a woman who makes 50 look like she is just getting started!"

"Beware of the brunette in your life because she has plans."

My life-sized birthday card!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Behind the Scenes Beauty Short Cuts from an experienced Model! Beauty Hacks you need to Know!

I always love to check in to see all my friends at the Morning Blend and today we talked about some items at home that can help you get your beauty on ... 
  • Visine for pimples
  • Milk of magnesia for acne
  • Spray sunscreen (alcohol free) for glistening skin
  • Cooking oil for moisturizer
  • Coffee filters as blotting paper (and toilet seat covers)
  • Spray starch as a dry shampoo
  • How to make bobby pins stick
  • Straightening iron for wrinkled collars and hems
  • Powder for lashes that look like you're wearing falsies!
Watch and learn why here>

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

DIY Ombre' Hair Extensions

You would have to be living under a rock not to notice all the A-lister celebrities who are sporting ombre locks this season. No easy dye job, ombre hair is tricky to get right. Even harder - dying your extensions, but you can get the look just by using some tinted hair powder on extensions you already have ( I love Bumble and bumble), especially if your ends have lightened a bit from the summer sun. 

This will also help save your extensions from a wash since it doubles as a dry shampoo!

Of course there is a brand that did it for you, Halo Crown - the easiest way to wear extensions - on a wire with no clips to hide, and no damage to your own hair! For one night or every day. Perfect for any brown haired girl! You can order yours here: