Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Get Rid of a Zit or Pimple Fast - Don't Use Toothpaste!

No one is happy to see an uninvited zit show up on their face, especially the day before a photo shoot or a big night out. It's tempting to take drastic measures which often only makes things worse. 

The quickest and most effective way to get rid of a zit fast is to go to your dermatologists office and have it injected with Kenalog, a steroid cortisone shot, but if that is not an option for you here is a model's secret to doing it at home that really works!

The most important goal in getting rid of a zit and saving your face for a photograph is to decrease the redness and make it flatter so that it is easier to cover up. 

First, you will want to shrink it using the strongest percentage of benzoyl peroxide cream you have. Then take the highest percentage of hydrocortisone cream that you can find, usually 10% unless you have a Rx from your doc, and dab it on top of the little monster before you go to bed covering it with one of those little round bandaids so that it maintains it's potency and doesn't rub off on your sheets and pillow. Because cortisone cream is a steroid you only want to use this little trick at most 2 nights in a row or it could thin your skin and possibly stimulate more acne.

You may have heard that toothpaste can dry up a zit overnight but I advise against this. It may help dry out the pimple but the fluoride in the toothpaste could burn your skin, increasing redness and irritation. Years ago toothpaste contained zinc which helps with inflammation (better when it's used as a supplement), but most toothpastes no longer contain zinc so unless you are stranded on a island taping a reality show and toothpaste is all you have ... I would forgo using this on your face.

Visine is also a popular recommendation that can help because it has an anti inflammatory ingredient that can reduce redness but be sure to follow up with some OTC benzoyl peroxide acne cream to git rid of it your blemish.  

Crushed aspirin helps too since it contains salicylic acid, another popular ingredient in acne medications. You can mix it with a bit of water in your hand to form a paste and apply to your skin. This must be uncoated aspirin to work and don't do this if you're allergic to aspirin or have sensitive skin because it may cause irritation.

Another option? Blue light. It's not just a gimmick. You can purchase an at home device that works for just $49. Check out how in my post about how it works {HERE - High Tech Zit Zapper}

Finally, if you must pop a zit please watch this video and advice given from Dr Oz on the best way to go about it.

Shelley GoodStein

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real Advice from Real models ... Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as a paperback from Amazon.com

Monday, October 22, 2012

COVERGIRL Sends You the Book on How to take Better Photos for Free!

A BETTER ENDORSEMENT I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ... For a limited time COVERGIRL and Olay will send you my book for FREE while supplies last!

LEARN HOW TO BE A COVER GIRL YOURSELF electronically on Kindle, Nook and iTunes for just $7.99 or order a copy of the book at Amazon.com

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Going on TV ... What Should I Wear for on Camera Interviews?

YIPPEE! You got the call, you're booked for the show, but what should you wear? YIKES! As excited as you are, a bit of a panic sets in when you start to think about what you should wear, so here is some key information to help you find your perfect TV outfit.

I have been there with you in closet hell trying to channel my inner stylist to pull clothing as a daily TV morning show co-host, for commercials, videos, television interviews ....  and every show format/set are vastly different so it's best to start by finding out as much before hand about the circumstances and go online to see the program. Here's what you should be watching for.

  • What are the background colors? If the colors are soft your options are endless, but if they are bright you will want to wear something bold so you don't get lost.

  • Will you be sitting or standing? If standing keep in mind that the microphone pack will need to attach somewhere, and if you wear a dress it must be roomy enough to allow the box to hook on the back of your bra underneath your clothing. On many television sets there are limited number of mic sets so you often wait to use a previous guests after they are finished. The timing on this can be a quick turnaround so if you're standing you may want to consider something other than a dress, but when you sit they will often be fine with the pack set behind you not attached to you directly. Also, if you're sitting try out your outfit sitting at home to make sure the skirt's not too short and nothing is pulling too tightly.

  • What does the host usually wear? Does she have a certain style? You will not want to show up looking like her my twin doll, so try to keep that in mind when making your choices. Once, when I was doing a morning show, my co-host and I showed up in the VERY exactly color combos, down to the very hue of pink mauvey silk shirt {see photo above}. Luckily I had a jacket in my car that I ran out to get or the entire hour would have been a little creepy for anyone watching. 

It's not a bad idea to bring a second option with you to the set. I would hate to hear that a wardrobe malfunction cancelled your big debut like Sofia Vergara's broken zipper almost did at the Emmy's. And how about Kim Kardashian's split that happened right before her Jimmy Kimmel interview? Your show probably won't have a seamstress to "sew you in your dress" like Kim K's did so better to have another change of clothes just in case!

  • What about the "green screen"? Sometimes you will film in front of a green backdrop. The reason it's green is because it's a pigment we don't usually have in our skin, so they are able to remove the color and replace it with a virtual studio behind you, leaving you looking perfectly real. The thing to know in this case is that if you do wear anything green, you will become invisible! So avoid all greens - olive, khaki, lime green, even turquoise green.

Conveying your message is obviously most important here, but keep in mind that you will not be effective in doing that if what you're wearing is distracting or confusing. By confusing I mean, if you are an artist or in a creative industry talking about design and you show up in a stiff buttoned up shirt, people will have a hard time understanding. And it would be hard to be taken seriously if you were an analyst dressed in a bohemian free love sort of ensemble. Basically, be true to your message and help people make the connection between you and what you're saying. 

When you are choosing clothing these are some of "the RULES" to know, it's easier in this case to talk about what not to wear :

  • Avoid solid whites - The camera picks up the light from white and it can wash you out. And if you want to make friends with the Director in the camera room I guarantee wearing white will not be the way to do it because they have to make many adjustments to try to make this look better.

  • Avoid solid blacks - Yes this color is great for high fashion and in real life is quite slimming but on set, if your arms get too close to your body it makes you look like one big black blob and if the background is also dark you could end up looking like a talking head. Even dark blue is not good for most video work.

  • Avoid Small Patterns - Checks, stripes, plaids. What happens, even in HD, is that the camera cannot pick up the focus on these and they almost start to "dance" on screen as you begin to talk or breathe!

  • Avoid Large Patterns - These are too distracting and compete for attention when you begin to speak.

  • Jewelry - Dangling earrings will reflect light with any movement even breathing - attracting attention away from what you're saying, so it's better to wear earrings that aren't swinging unless of course you are trying to sell earrings. Wearing more than one bracelet could be a bad move because the mic that is attached to you will pick up the clacking of the back and forth sound when you move your hands. Necklaces that are too heavy can turn or become un-centered also causing a distraction. My advice when it comes to jewelry is to keep it simple!

  • Trendy clothing - Contemporary outfits that are industry appropriate are always a good idea because the audience will identify you as modern and forward thinking, but too trendy clothing will always date your interview. Media interviews and videos are often saved online for eternity and a great way to promote yourself/cause. You do not want these things to become dated, so dress up and keep it trendy in a more classic looking way avoiding fads. You want to wear modern clothes that fit you perfectly. 

Clothing can be a powerful medium in appearing more successful, but the words you use and the knowledge you display are all up to you! 
Break a Leg!

TO learn more secrets about looking good in front of Every camera AND in real life - check out my new book Face This available on Amazon, Kindle, Nook and iTunes.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pycnogenol: A Pill for Younger Looking Skin? YES Please!!!

We are all looking for the holy grail of younger looking skin. But could it really come in the form of a pill? According to new research, the nutritional supplement Pycnogenol, may just be the answer to slowing down visible sign of aging.

In a clinical trial published in the journal Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, women who took pycnogenol, 25mg three times a day, improved their beauty and enjoyed a more glowing complexion after 12 weeks with improved skin hydration and elasticity.

Pycnolgenol is an antioxidant plant extract from the bark of the French maritime pine tree that grows along the coast of France whose main ingredient is procyandin. It is said that French explorer Jacques Cartier use it in 1532 to combat the spread of scurvy amongst his crew. Procyanidin is also found in food like grapes, berries, red wines and various nuts.

Certainly you are familiar with the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E, and pycnogenol is among the most powerful free-radical anti-inflammatories with studies showing it's antioxidant capabilities 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and 50 times more potent than vitamin E.

New to North America, but not to Europe, this natural supplement is considered safe and effective in various diseases because of its potent antioxidant ability to protect against damaging effects of free-radicals, maybe even slowing down the natural process of aging.

The lead researcher in this recent study from Germany says that "No other natural product has been shown to stimulate hyaluronic acid in the skin." and added that they are encouraged by the molecular evidence that showed supplementation with pycnogenol as beneficial.

And while the study was small, 20 healthy women aged 55-68 years old, they found that pycnogenol enhanced skin elasticity by 25% and skin hydration by 8% with women who had dry skin from the beginning gaining an increase of 21%. 

We must always remember that our skin often mirrors our overall nutritional health and is often our body's first line of defense showing signs of aging due to the breakdown of collagen and elastin especially from cumulative sun exposure, so to rebuild lost collagen start incorporating into your daily life these practices:

  • Apply sunscreen to your face daily. Most collagen loss can be attributed to UV sun damage.

  • Eat foods that contain amino acids lysine and proline, found in lean meats, fish, egg whites and wheat germ. And take Vitamin C each day because vitamin C is what is required to transform these  to hydroxylysine and hydroxypoline which is the form of amino acids necessary to rebuild collagen. Make sure you keep your Vitamin C sealed in a dark container because Vitamin C becomes inactive very quickly when exposed to sunlight, heat and air.

  • Derivatives of vitamin A, retinoids stimulate collagen production and increase cell turnover rates which will help reveal smoother skin. You may want to talk to your doctor about prescribing a retinoid product, but several quality retinol products are available at drug and beauty stores.

TO learn more secrets about how to look your best Check out my new book Face THIS available on Amazon, Kindle, Nook and iTunes.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Look Good in Photos - Smile Tips and More

Something to Smile About

First, a few tips on how to smile. Never have your teeth actually touching each other, even when your mouth is closed because it will make your neck muscles tense in an unflattering way.

Also, don’t force a smile by showing all your teeth in a joker grin.  We know you have beautiful teeth but why would anyone want to see your molars?

Another way to achieve a genuine, natural looking smile is by lifting your tongue up behind your front teeth. This also results in lowering your chin slightly and helping to relax your face.

Always try to give a genuine smile. Models know that real smiles are produced with the eyes. Top model Tyra Banks even invented a word for it “smizing.” When you genuinely smile it causes natural wrinkles around your eyes, regardless of age.

The eyes are the first thing to capture someone’s attention in a photo so when you’re taking your picture look into the lens of the camera. Anyone viewing the photo will feel like you are looking directly at them—making you look more open, interesting and real.

If you wear glasses make sure the photographer can see your eyes and that the top of the frame is not cutting into the eyes. To prevent a camera flash from reflecting shine or glare, tilt your glasses up or down so that the light is not rebounding off the lens. Glare can also occur when you’re photographing next to a mirror, TV, or window. Angle yourself so that the camera is not shooting directly into the reflective surface.

To avoid the double chin look, never pull back when someone is about to take your picture. No matter how skinny you are you will have double or even triple chins.  Fix it by thinking swan ballerina, Natalie Portman.  Chin up and out and then bring the chin down ever so slightly.

Also, avoid short cameramen. If the lens is below your eye level you’ll gain an extra chin. The lens should be either at eye level or slightly above.

Generally, natural looking hair is the best way to go. Keep it off your features so it’s not creating shadows on your face. If your hair is a solid color, add highlights for dimension and to prevent looking like you have a helmet on your head. Frizzy hair tends to be dryer so to tame it, moisturize your hands with lotion and quickly run them through your hair. If you notice your hair is sticking up in places, lightly rub a dryer sheet over it to eliminate static. It’s the only tip I know that works to get rid of the problem.

I hope you found these tips help you to look your best in your next photo!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Leather jeans

●► Leather is a trend you "gotta have" this season, but if you're a member of PETA then try this waxy leather-like coated skinny jean by J Brand in this oxblood red, one of the key colors this Fall! Keep in mind that leather, on it's own will grab tons of attention so keep it classic with little detailing and don't overload your look with Funky accessories. Check out more of my "gotta have it!" picks {HERE}

Saturday, September 29, 2012

COVERGIRL Shelley GoodStein in More Magazine - No LIMITS

Cover Girl / Olay Feature
MORE Magazine October issue 2012 

October 2010 More Magazine
Grand Prize Beauty Search Winner

I think my husband nailed it when he described the difference in these 2 photos published exactly 2 years apart, as "raw Beauty" and "pure personality"! WOW what can't happen in two short years ... when you put yourself out there!

When you think back on your life, as I have been - turning 48 yesterday, there have been times when I was truly just surviving and getting by, but then there are these moments when something wonderfully unexpected happens. Like entering and winning a beauty search, publishing a book and having COVER GIRL endorse it, modeling for magazines and national ads, being chosen as the 2011 Juvenile Diabetes Foundations Promise Light Honoree, and guest co-hosting a television morning show.

My birthday dinner!
If I had listened to the limiting belief that a woman in her late 40's cannot break into these venues, I would have missed out on what might be the most amazing time of my life! But I still feel like this never-ending adventure has just begun because I  know now that it happens like that ... You put yourself out there and something wildly and totally unexpected shows up! There are no age restrictions to your goals, no limits not to reach for, no reasons not to give or care beyond hope, so D R E A M ... in spite of your fears! Start with a baby step today and let your blazing desire burn out loud!


~ Shelley

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall - Winter Shoes 2012 - TOP Footwear Trends

The last few seasons have been overly saturated with thick platform soles but if you're bored with that chunky profile you'll be happy to hear that there is a major shift to the single sole, classic pump. 

The pointy toe pump is a great instant slimming style for everyone because the eye travels longer down to the toe, creating the illusion of longer legs. Black is always a good color to choose, it goes with everything and dark colors are universally slimming, so navy or burgundy will also be good choices. The other slimming color is for a pump is nude, in a skin tone that matches your own. It will make you seem taller too! Even if you have only these 2 shoes in your wardrobe, if they are these two they can take you everywhere. These are great paired with the menswear suits we are seeing this season along with pencil skirts and dresses or with a skinny legged jean. If this seems a little too boring for your taste, designers have given you lots of options to show your fashionable side. 

 I know you've probably heard that an ankle strap on a shoe should be avoided because it can cut your leg off, but as you can see in this photo, when paired with a pant it actually can tie the shoe in to the pants, elongating your limbs. Metallic cap-toes, see how to DIY {here}, made popular in the '50's by CoCo Chanel is a great way to spice up this wardrobe workhorse. Printed pumps will continue as a strong trend into Spring - this example shows how to mix prints and patterns together to be perfectly polished. AND if you like a little more edge to your footwear there are always studded pumps!

We are all captivated by dress up shoes, and this year satin is the chic'est prerequisite for anyone walking a red carpet. These are definitely not for every day wear since satin is a bit of a delicacy for footwear, but it adds instant glam with a cocktail dress or paired with your favorite skinny jeans for a cocktail hour. Metallics and glitter will also be the accents to add for that WOW factor. 

We've all been there ... gone out in heels and wish we could walk home in flats! Lucky for us that this year there seems to be a love affair with flats. The ballet flat gets a fresh update in this season's biggest trend called a smoking slipper. Of course, this may conjour up images of Hugh Hefner in his PJ's at the Playboy Mansion, but more than a menswear vibe these super comfy flats will be available in all sorts of fabrics and embellishments. They look great with skinnies, a fitted tank and a great slouch sweater or if you want to play it Hugh's way pair them with some wide legged silky pants for a lounging, just got up look!

Want to buy it now and wear it now? These sandals are perfect with bare legs, and when cooler temperatures are here pair them with an opaque hose for a color blocked look. I love this chunky heel, which is also big for Fall, it's so much easier than walking on a stilleto.

Why do we love boots so much? If I told you tall boots were back in season this year you'd probably wonder if they were ever out because every woman must own at least one pair of knee high boots and for good reasons! Always classic and chic, you can pull them on over pants, leggings or with dresses for alot of versatility, but this year designers are showcasing knee high boots with bare legs. 

It may still be a little hot outside right now, but there is nothing hotter than the over-the-knee style boots that are huge for Fall and only going to get hotter as the year goes on. They are sleek, sexy and yet oh so powerful!

The key in choosing the right boot for you is getting the right fit ... around your leg! Boot shafts come in all different sizes so this is where you really need to try them and not just rely on your foot size. It's best to have them fitted around your leg but not so tight so that your skin is bulging. You'll want about a half an inch from your skin to your boot to allow a jean to work inside too.

The mid-calf boot makes an entrance this year and is a great way to keep a dress looking ladylike without wearing a pump.

The bootie has had it's reign the past few years, but this year the ankle goes a bit higher. I really like the way Victoria Beckham showcased her motorcycle boots with a slouchy sock in her Fall collection. Even the sneaker gets wedged up for this season!

And if you're looking for a sensible boot, you'll fall in love with one of the seasons biggest trends - the Chelsea boot. Originally from the Victorian era these ankle tight booties were worn as a riding boot and are distinquished by the elastic siding that runs down both sides of the boot for an easy on/off. Models were spotted wearing them off duty everywhere last year because they are so comfortable to walk around in - sorta like what the flip flop is to the summer. 

We can never have too many shoes or boots in our lives and don't seem to go in and out of fashion as quickly as clothing, plus no matter how tight those skinny jeans get - the shoe always fits!!!!!

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real advice from real models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as paperback from Amazon.com 

How to Make Your Own Metallic Cap Toe Shoe - the look of Chanel for just a few $$

Leave it to Coco Chanel to make this classic fashion cap toe pump a timeless hot trend for Fall 2012! The best part is that you can recreate this metallic blocking yourself with an old pair of scuffed pumps and make them new again - Plus recycle and save some $$! 

You will need: masking tape, sheet of paper, tape measure, spray adhesion primer, metallic spray paint, clear glossy top spray.

  • Wipe off surface of the shoe with a damp cloth, then make sure it's completely dry before beginning.
  • Decide how much of a cap toe you want - for this pump it was 2 inches from the sole up.
  • Take out a tape measure and mark your line.
  • Use masking tape on the outside of the mark you've made to create the line.
  • Wrap any paper, a sheet of paper works great, around your shoe to make a barrier where you don't want the paint to spray.
  • Use a spray adhesive primer, found at automotive or hardware stores as your first layer. All of the spraying should be done outside, in a well ventilated area with gloves. Don't skip this step - this will differentiate your shoe from looking home-made or high fashion. This spray is a primer and will allow the paint to adhere to the shoe. 
  • Shake the can really, really well and spray 1-2 feet away. Let it dry 1-2 hours.
  • After it's dry apply the metallic spray in super light coats - at least 3 in total. Hint: try it first on the surface you are using to spray on - like newspaper. And be sure to shake the can at least 2 minutes before using.
  • Let the paint dry about 1-2 hours between layers.
  • Apply the clear gloss. It is very important that you get the gloss and not an enamel or other finish! Let this dry a few hours before removing the tape and paper.
  • Mistakes? Use a q-tip and nail polish remover.

To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real advice from real models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as paperback from Amazon.com 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Drop Dead Gorgeous - Starving is NOT Sexy

Starving yourself - purposely not eating to lose weight, will actually slow down your metabolism causing your body to go into self-preservation mode. 

You may experience a short-term weight loss but your body will fight back by making you feel hungrier and begin to store fat, slowing down your metabolism. Eventually your body will break down muscle protein for energy.

What else is not sexy about not eating?

  • Loss of Hair. Malnutrition causes your hair to thin and fall out.

  • Brittle Nails. Your nails can begin to break and become brittle.

  • Bloating. Gastro motility slows and it takes longer for the gastric system to empty causing constipation.

  • Infertility. Your period can become irregular or may stop completely due to hormonal abnormalities.

  • Bone Loss. You may experience bone damage and osteoporosis even after a few months since the nutrients your body needs to regenerate are not present.

  • Depression. Due to a lack of iron from not eating, you may become anemic causing you to feel weak, tired, irritable and in some cases clinically depressed.

  • Heart disease. You can damage your heart. In some cases, dehydration and electrolyte imbalances can cause heart arrhythmias and death.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Make Your Legs Look Longer - Tips to Looking Thinner

Want to look like you have legs for days? 
Wearing heels is an obvious choice, but there are a few other tricks to gaining longer, more enviable legs that you should know about!

A self tanner can sculpt your legs, hide bruises and highlight muscle tone when you apply more to the areas where there is definition. Using a second layer along the sides of your thighs will make your legs look thinner because anything darker recedes and that rule works for legs too!

Using a shimmer stick or highlighter  from your thigh all the way down your shin to your foot is one of the easiest, quickest ways to making your legs look instantly longer and leaner. Why does this work? When you highlight a straight line down your leg the eye is immediately drawn to it and will follow the long line. Instant length via a visual trick, especially when combined with contouring the outer leg.

One of my favorite products to use for this trick is a bronzer, sort of a cross between a self tanner and highlighter:
Nar's Body Glow ($59)

Crossing your legs when seated is a comfortable way to relax but take a tip from celebrities who show off their legs beautifully when they are sitting for an interview. Cross your legs and tuck the top leg slightly behind the calf of the other leg to accentuates the calf muscle.

If your legs are a little bigger than you wish, wear a hem line that ends at the thinnest part of your leg - that way people will just assume that the rest of your leg is thin too, but it's best if the hem hits somewhere just above your knee ... anything longer cuts your legs off and visually shortens your leg.

Wearing the right clothes comes into play so choose pinstriped pants, any vertical lines will make your legs appear longer. Always hem your pants to cover the heel. Again, we want the eye to continue downward as long as we can when someone looks at us which is why the monochromatic way always works - matching your hem line whether it's a pant of skirt to your heel. This is why you see so many celebrities wearing nude colored shoes - matching their skin tone to give the illusion of a longer leg.

Wear pants and shoe in same color - models off duty
I am 5'9", blessed with naturally long legs and I wear heels all the time, but not because I want to be taller! People aren't attracted to you because you are tall, in fact science says men are more attracted to women that look fertile i.e. sexy, not imposingly tall. Heels lengthen the legs for sure, but they also point the toes downward making them look more graceful (think ballerina). Heels force you to use different muscles when you walk, making your butt stick out and arching your back, pushing your chest forward. Yep - pretty darn sexy!  

What type of heel should you choose? Pointed or open toe shoes are best with an open top, otherwise known as a low vamp (cleavage for your feet!), because the goal is to see more of your foot extending the visual length of your leg ... which is why nude or skin colored shoes are best where there is no transition between skin and shoe giving you at least another 5 inches of visual leg. A square or rounded toe will have the opposite effect. If your calves are bigger stay away from spiked thin heels. Towering heels will make you look wobbly and unbalanced drawing attention to your calf. And you should try to avoid wearing anything with an ankle strap as it will make your legs look stubby. When in doubt always go simple. Having alot of straps or embellishments can make your foot look bulky and take away from the illusion of a leaner leg.

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To learn more model's secrets to looking your best and taking your best photos check out my new book Face This: Real advice from real models, photographers and makeup artists on how to become Picture Perfect! Available for just $7.99 on Kindle, Nook and iTunes. Also as paperback from Amazon.com