Saturday, April 5, 2014

Models Over 40 Then and Now - More Magazine Beauty Search!

Left to Right: Stephanie, Linda, Claudia, and Christy
 These supermodels are all grown up, but their beauty is timeless! Scroll down to see what they look like today for proof.

Although difficult to become a model at any age More Magazine can give you a lucky break .... but only if you're over 30! 

You have until April 17th to upload a photo for More's 5th annual Beauty Search and tell your story to win a trip to NYC and photo shoot for a spread in the magazine along with cash plus other prizes.  My friends and I used to say we never knew anyone who actually ever won a contests like this, but in 2010 it was me! More Magazine's first GRAND PRIZE Beauty Search Winner.

Click {HERE} to enter this year's contest, and it could be YOU!

When I was modeling in the 80's, it was the super-model era and the competition was fierce. Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington ... but today, there is no longer a glut of gorgeous models in my age range, in fact the older I get the less competitive it becomes. Plus it is unlikely that the baby boomers, now ages 50-70 are willing to be sold by a 20 something year old advertising a face cream. I hadn't thought of getting back into the industry until after I won this contest. The truth is, "I feel more in demand now than I ever did in my twenties." 

 If 40 is the new 20, then 50 shall be the new 50 - at least it will be this September when I celebrate mine, because I look better than ever and it shows! Check out some other models who look better than ever ... over 40.

Christie Brinkley age 60

Cindy Crawford age 48

Elle Macpherson age 50

Claudia Schiffer age 44

 Naomi Campbell age 44

Lauren Hutton age 70

Stephanie Seymour age 45

Heidi Klum age 40

Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to be a model: It should cost you NOTHING! FREE tips

I have been represented by some of the top modeling agencies in Miami, Chicago, and currently work with the prestigious Ford Agency and internationally with Silver Agency in Paris, and one thing I know for sure is that it should cost you NOTHING to break into the modeling business or to sign with an agency. Truly the only thing you need is a digital picture in great light, which is FREE assuming you at least know anyone with a smart phone.

The reason no-one will tell you this is because this is how people make money. Modeling conventions, modeling schools, workshops, conventions .... Don't get me wrong advice about what to do and how to look your best is all good, but the truth be told -most girls that get signed with an agency that have been "schooled" are told to forget about almost everything they learned.

Getting agency representation is the first step to becoming a model and any agency will tell you that they do not require their new models to show up with a professional portfolio on day one. In fact, if they sign you, most agencies will want you to work with a few particular photographers and groom your look to a specific market. Many girls I know spend a small fortune on sub-par photographs that the agency immediately takes out of their books. It is better to have 3 great, strong photos than 20 so-so photographs. One thing I have learned over the years is that a client will remember you by your best and your worst photo. You never want to let them see anything less than great! A first impression in this business is a lasting one.

Study the agency or company website you want to be represented by and find out what it is they require and give them exactly what they are asking for. This is not the time to try to be clever. Again, give them EXACTLY what they are asking for. 

Many agencies may also have an open call day or some may have online submission. Below is Ford Model's submission guidelines and you will notice that they specifically ask you NOT to submit professional photos, NOT to wear makeup and NOT to pose.

Agencies are looking for that "IT" factor. Yes you must be 5'9", you must be thin - but just as important is your personality, energy and spirit - they are looking for diversity, not a cookie cutter mold of measurements.

The most critical warning I can share with you is that you must prepare yourself for rejection. As a wanna be model, or working model, this goes with the job. I have not gotten jobs because I am both too tall or too short, because I have blue eyes or simply because they really wanted a blonde. Once I was booked for a job with a very dark black girl and the art director was upset that I looked so "fair" next to her and proceeded to direct the makeup artist to make me appear darker. We were already on location and the makeup artist only had some brown eye shadow with her so she proceeded to try to paint it on my face. It was humiliating. Rejection is a never ending part of the model experience so you must expect it and prepare to learn how to handle it. If one agency turns you down, try another. And never sign with an agency that wants to charge you money for classes or photos first.

There are many examples of famous models who were initially turned down for representation. Tyra Banks was rejected by many Los Angeles agencies before landing at Elite. Gisele Bundchen has reported that she was turned down by 42 agents before she was 17. Both of these women have appeared on countless magazine covers and runways around the world, earning them SUPER-model status.

People of all races, ages and backgrounds can become a model. Some make alot of money and others do it to have fun, but one thing is for sure - it shouldn't cost you a penny to try!! Check in with me here at A Model's Secrets for more advice on how to become a model and tips I have learned behind the scenes. Check out my post about How to MOVE like a model for a photo {HERE}


Friday, March 21, 2014

Frozen Shoulder - Over 40? Blame Menopause.

I have found that most people, including my doctor who primarily treats women, are NOT aware of the prevalence of frozen shoulder with women of "ahem" a certain age or the  connection between a frozen shoulder and menopause.

About 9 months ago, I started experiencing an ache in my shoulder which proceeded to get worse. So much so that I had trouble pulling shirts over my head; then it started to interfere with my sleep. In talking with one of my model friends who happens to be around my age, she told me she too was dealing with this and that her doctor was recommending to operate. 

First let's define what a "frozen shoulder" or adhesive capsullitis is; Unlike an injury to the shoulder or rotator cuff, this situation is not caused by any specific event and gradually builds resulting in pain and an inability to move your shoulder !

A girl who likes to know the why of everything I began to research and surprisingly found out that I fit precisely into 3 of the major risk factors. 

First of all I discovered that this affects primarily women (70%) around 40-60 years old, who are menopausal or perimenopausal. My physical therapist said that in his 10 years of treating frozen shoulder only once has he treated a man for this. In Japan this is so common that is called "Fifties Shoulder". Science thinks this might be due to a hormonal shift; possibly because estrogen has anti-inflammatory properties that are now deficient.

Secondly, 10-30 percent of people with diabetes (type 1 or type 2) develop frozen shoulder according to the American Academay of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Diabetes can damage the blood vessels affecting circulation and result in scarring of the body's elastic tissue - triggering a frozen shoulder. 

The good news that I uncovered was that most people THAW out and recover from a frozen shoulder within 2 years - even if they do nothing! Plus it rarely reoccurs again. Just today I spoke to my girlfriend who was suffering from this and she told me that it seems to have gone away! Proof positive. I myself am just about "thawed" and moving better now too - time, Pilates and physical therapy have helped tremendously.

Today my therapist did a technique called "dry needling". He said it alone has been the single best game changer for helping frozen shoulders he has learned. Using an acupuncture needle (the ones you don't feel) inserted into "trigger point". 

Orthopaedic surgeons have long done this, but they usually do it to deliver some sort of anti-inflammatory med or steroid. My physical therapist told me that what they have found is that just the process of inserting the needle, not necessarily the medicine, produces pain relief and improves the range of motion. Today was my first go with it - he went straight through one of the rotator cuff muscles to the shoulder bone with a needle. I could feel the pressure against my bone, a little discomfort, but no pain. When he was finished I immediately had more range of motion and the achey feeling was gone.

Regarding surgery ... unless you are wrenching in pain, my non-professional opinion is to try all other options first since the literature suggests that even after surgery, this capsulitis can reoccur and it will go away on it's own in time although you can speed the process up a bit. Here are a few things to try first that worked for me:

  • Sleeping with a pillow under my elbow to help rest the painful shoulder. 
  • Doorway stretches and lots of other stretching exercises, including targeted Pilates.
  • Conscious posture improvement - rounding shoulders reduces range of motion. When I am walking I make sure to pull my shoulder back and down. When sitting, I pull my arm behind my back into my waistband and hold the stretch.
  • Ibuprofren
  • Heat
  • Massage

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar - LOSE WEIGHT AND BELLY FAT!

Could the magic potion to looking skinny and beautiful be a spoonful of apple cider vinegar? I've been a fan of this natural remedy for some time and want to share the secret and the science behind why it works to help lose weight, belly fat, clear up skin and help your hair grow!


Recently a study showed that by consuming just 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) every day vs a placebo, resulted in the shedding of more body and belly fat. This makes sense because pectin which is found in apples makes you feel fuller and more satisfied. The pectin in apple cider vinegar is greater than if you ate a ton of raw apples and can help suppress your appetite. Consuming ACV before meals ensures that you will have more acid in your stomach, and if you make sure to eat high protein meals it makes it more likely that you will produce growth hormone that stimulate your metabolism while you sleep. I don't know about you but I'd rather sleep than hit the gym any day!


ACV can also reduce the time that fat will stay in the digestive tract,so that less fat can be absorbed to your belly! Plus ACV improves your body's utilization of iron which also helps increase weight loss by kickstarting your body to burn the food you eat as fuel.

ACV has long been used to help alleviate leg cramps at night too and it can help you fight exhaustion. These effects happen when lactic acid builds up in the body and the potassium and enzymes found in ACV can help reduce these.


If you want to incorporate ACV to help with weight loss daily the recommendation is 2 teaspoons in 8 oz of water 3 times a day taken before your meals.

The deal breaker for most people who are initially motivated to get on board the ACV train is of course the taste.  The taste is strong which is why it is used in ketchup and salad dressings. By stimulating your taste buds, you can then appreciate the complex flavors in all your other foods you eat so you won't fall as easily into the trap of adding more salt and fat in your diet to enhance your food. We all know that salt will make your belly bloat and fat tempts you to eat more fatty foods.
To make it taste better add Stevia, raw honey or agave to give a little sweetness. And then chase it with some apple juice.

These are the results from ingesting ACV but this powerful elixir also helps get your beauty on too when used topically:

When used as a hair rinse it will rid your hair of the gunk and build up left behind from all the styling products and conditioners we use. Simply dilute 1/2 cup of ACV into 3-4 cups of water and pour it over your head after shampooing. It will leave your hair soft and shiny and can promote hair growth by promoting a clearer scalp which is why some people use it as a cure for dandruff.

For the skin, ACV's benefits are endless. First it can be used topically on a cotton ball as an effective anti-acne remedy killing bacteria and can help restore the skins natural pH levels. Depending on your skin's sensitivity level it might be a good idea to dilute the ACV with water first before applying.

The sulfur found in ACV can fight aging, especially age spots if you use leave it on at night before you go to sleep. This is where you'll want to use it straight on, if your skin can tolerate it, and wait until morning to wash it off. After washing your face in the morning, use the ACV as your toner, diluted with water, on a cotton ball. This will help brighten your skin.

Swish and gargle ACV in your mouth and not only will it kill bacteria that cause halitosis but it will help remove stains and whiten your teeth.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Oscar red carpet fashion 2014 - Fashion Police Style

Big thank you to the Morning Blend on abc affiliate KGUN9 for asking me to talk about red carpet fashion from the Oscars 2014! 

Some highlights from this year's hits and misses on Academy Awards night.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

And the Oscar ... is all about the dress!

Tonight the first question on everyone's lips will be ... "Who are you wearing?"
Love this photo list and can't wait to see who wins this year! 


Friday, February 14, 2014

Men: Powerless to Resist You

Want to be more irresistible for that special guy in your life? Today for Valentine's Day keep a few things in mind:

  • Men are simple. So keep your beauty simple. Don't wear your fake eyelashes or he'll wonder what else about you is "fake". Wear a pink nude colored lipstick, if you go for the bold red he'll see it as a signal to stay away since it will end up all over his own face if he goes in to kiss you. Give your hair the "undone" look, messy - like you've just gotten out of bed.

  • Men are visual. Just a hint of silk, bare arms, shorter skirt will do the trick.

  • Men are competitive. Don't gush - make him win you over.

  • Less talk - more flirting. Playful. It doesn't take much - the mere mention or suggestion will send his imagination into high gear. Arch your back. Brush your leg against him ... the Tease. Is. Powerful.

  • Sexting. If you have never sex't before it's really quite simple. Talk about what you want to do, what you're going to do and how you're going to do it.

  • Be confident. Everyone is attracted to confidence - it's sensual ... especially when he believes this confidence will transfer to the bedroom.

XOXO Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Beauty Product Cocktails - What to mix, what to use first and how to layer.

As a beauty blogger my bathroom counter at times can overwhelm me ... between the samples that companies send to try out and my own dermatologist recommended products I wonder if I am actually doing more harm than good to my skin. It turns out that might be true. Let's just say that the answer to the questions of what to use, how to combine, and what cancels each other out doesn't have to be as  complicated as my bathroom counter appears to be.

Here are a few simple principles that I live by:

  • More is not always better or faster or smart. Make sure you are only using products as directed and always test a new product out on a small area of your skin that won't be a dramatic problem should you experience irritation, peeling or inflammation. 
  • If you are using products with active ingredients, save one for the morning and one for the night.
  • Don't overlook your lips, neck, chest and hands in your skin care routine. 

Layering products on your skin like with everything in life, requires a few rules so that you avoid side effects or worse yet, a chemical reaction on your face! Here's a simple plan.

1. Prescription Products. Any prescription medications should be applied first to make sure that their active ingredients penetrate the skin directly.
  • Retinols/Retinoids : These Vitamin A derivatives have been clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles -  the holy grail of wrinkle reducers so to speak. However they can be irritating, especially drying and potentially made worse if combined with other products.
  • Retinols should not be used with Benzoyl Peroxide, another potentially drying product. Retinols should also not be used with Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) / glycolic acids as they can make the retinoids inactive.Best practice: If you use a Retinoid, do so only at night since they also can make the skin sensitive to the sun, and save the other products for the morning.

  • Topical Vitamin C, another great anti-aging ingredient will become less effective when layered with Copper peptides. Copper peptides are a popular ingredient in many serums and moisturizers so it's important to read labels.

2. Serums and liquids. These are the products that usually contain vitamins and antioxidants to help repair damage to the skin from the sun and environment and should be layered next. The exceptions here are serums that contain silicone or dimethicone. Silicone helps lock moisture in your skin, but it also acts as a barrier blocking anything above it from getting to your skin. Silicone serums should be applied last, the face primers fall into this category.

3. Eye Cream, then Face Cream. Lightest to heaviest. Especially important to use after application of Retin A products.

We spend alot of time and money on these products, so always read the labels, don't OD on any one type of product. Your skin is the largest organ of your body - treat it well! 

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Panty liners for your Shoes!! What to carry in your purse for NYE.

Make sure to throw a couple panty liner's in your New Year's clutch tonight ... an essential for the obvious reasons, but these also make the perfect shoe pad for a night spent in heels~

WATCH the entire VIDEO {HERE}
My top picks for what to throw in a small clutch for NYE!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Holiday Photography Tips - Family and Kids!

As a mom I am often asked by others in pursuit of the perfect holiday shot or family picture for tips and insight. Recently  I shared just such advice with for a feature with other moms who have a passion for photography and photos. You can read the whole article {HERE}

When it comes right down to it - the one awesome shot you will love forever and ever is usually one that happens by chance, so always be ready and click away to capture the moment. If you missed it during Christmas, don't put away the camera yet because the kids are off school for another week and you still have New Year's Eve! 

As I told SheKnows ...

"Don't be overly concerned about the messy hair or skinned knees. These photos are for you — to document your life. And if you decide to send out holiday cards... well, your real friends don't judge! Be yourself, and let the love for your family show through genuinely. These are the shots people talk about!"

Friday, December 27, 2013

Hair Jewelry Using a Vintage Brooch

Most of us have an heirloom from our mothers or grandmothers that includes a very ornate brooch that we keep ... but never really wear. 

I recently went to a black tie gala and my husband and I were channeling a little Great Gatsby, so I attached a flower pin to a simple headband and finished the look off with a string of pearls.

For New Year's Eve why not add a little sparkle to your simple soft wave with a vintage pin or clip earring worn in your hair? 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What you need to have in your bag to be ready for every Holiday Party!


There are certain things a woman cannot go anywhere without,  but when it comes to choosing what to fit into those small statement clutches for holiday parties it can be difficult to edit.

Thank you Arizona Midday for asking me to share my personal picks of what essentials I think you'll need to be holiday ready!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Radiant Orchid is 2014 Pantone Color of the YEAR!

Move over Emerald green and make way for the 2014 Pantone Color the YEAR .... drumroll please .... Radiant Orchid! The perfect choice for your mani/pedi!

What I find most interesting is that the 2012 color of the year was tangerine tango, and 2013 emerald green ... these are both secondary colors to purple.

Pantone doesn't just pull this color out of a hat, it searches the world over to find the trending colors each year, considering influences of the entertainment industry, art and fashion. I love this orchid color and think it is flattering on most every skin tone. Can't wait to play with pops of this color for makeup and clothing. 

Emanuel Ungaro silk dress

Bite Beauty high pigment matte pencil in Violet

 Giuseppe-Zanotti pumps

Even the royal KATE is jumping on this trend:

Friday, November 29, 2013

Beauty and Style Steals - Cyber Monday and Black Friday codes

It's time to get your holiday shopping face on, but no need to leave the house - you have the Internet! Here are some top picks from my favorite brands and stores for your cyber weekend!


J Crew | 30% off site wide, use code HOLIDAY at checkout

Piperlime | 25% off site wide, use code GIFT at checkout

Ann Taylor | 40% off everything, use code GET40

Banana Republic | 40% off everything, use code BRGIVING at checkout

ASOS | 20% off everything, use code GIMME20 at checkout

Shopbop | Save up to 25%, use code BIGEVENT13 at checkout

Baublebar | 15-35% on Black Friday depending on how many items you purchase

Ted Baker London | 30% off through Monday, use code TED30

Diane Von Furstenburg | Up to 30% off through Monday, no code needed

Madewell | 25% off your entire order, use code Feast25 at checkout

Tory Burch | 20-30% off + gift with purchase, use code holiday


Beautylish | $25 off $100 

Becca cosmetics | 20% off with code FAMILY13

Bliss | 20% off full size bliss

Butter London | 20% off site wide, use code CYBER13

Dr Brandt Skincare | 40% off entire purchase, 11/29 only

Giorgio Armani | 20% off $75+ purchases, through 12/5

NARS Cosmetics | 20% off + free shipping, use code NARSFRIENDS

Peter Thomas Roth | 20% off entire site

SAKS | $25 gift card when you spend $100 on beauty/fragrance, use code BEAUTY13

Smashbox | 25% off everything with $50+ purchase, use code HOLIDAY25

Tarte Cosmetics | 25% off everything, use code TURKEY

YSL | 20% off $75+ orders and free shipping

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Model's Top Ten Beauty Product Reommendations for Camera Ready Photos.

I have been asked so many times to reveal my All time favorite beauty products, so I thought I would start with my TOP TEN tried and true go-tos. These are the beauty choices I make every time I'm on television or need to be camera ready - for they have never failed me! 

1. Giorgio Armani Maestro Foundation. One of the highest rated foundations by makeup artists for flawless perfection. Great coverage with a satin, light luminous finish - perfect for those high definition cameras!

2. Lorac's TANtalizer. My best feature are my legs and living in Arizona I get to show off nearly every day wearing shorts and skirts. My absolute best recommendation besides self tanning is this product to give a nice bronzed glow. Great to use all over before a swimsuit photo too ... anything darker recedes in photos and everything helps for those days.

3. HOURGLASS Aura Sheer Cheek Stain. I have to admit, I own all three colors. The great part of using a cheek stain is that it doesn't fade like powder or smear down like cream blush. Don't be intimidated by the color - it is VERY sheer and does not go on as dark as it appears. Secret trick: Layer this underneath highlighting blush and it will last all day long.

4. Beauty BlenderIf you thought all sponges were created equal when it comes to makeup application, this one will prove you wrong. I have no idea why, but this little gem makes it look like you have almost used an airbrush to apply. No edges means no lines and the tip is perfect for getting underneath your eyes perfectly.

5. Amazing Cosmetics Concealer. One of my favorite concealers because it blends and erases any hyper-pigmentation so easily. Water resistant and  it comes in lots of different shades. 

6. Smashbox Photo Finish Lid Primer. This is a must have for anyone who wears eyeshadow. Not only does it prevent creasing, but no matter what brand of eyeshadow this will help it look better and last longer. I am also a big fan of the under eye primer in this line too. Both brighten the eye instantly.

7. Makeup Forever HD High Definition Powder. This year is all about a matte looking face, but there's a difference between matte and dry. This powder not only sets my makeup, but it mattifies the skin flawlessly which is key in front of high definition cameras that can see every pore. It is translucent which means it is invisible color for all skin. You can wear as a finishing powder or on a bare face alone.

8. Brazilian Blowout Acai Smoothing Serum. I use this every morning on my wet hair before blow drying. Not only does it prevent frizz but it coats the cuticle to protect it, locking in moisture and giving great shine.

9. YSL Touche Éclat. A concealer/highlighting pen that literally brings light to your face without any sparkle. Using this product always makes me look well rested. Check out my post about all the places on your face you should be highlighting {HERE}.

10. Givenchy Mister Mat Mattifying Foundation Primer. I must admit that I have tried alot of primers - far too many to remember or count. No matter what I buy or try, I always go back to Mister Mat. A primer makes the difference in flawless foundation application, but many times they are too greasy or have so much silicone that they literally "ball up" on my face. I especially love Mr Mat because he doesn't leave me with an oil slick when I'm done putting on my face. Key for on camera work and makes it so I need less powder too.